March 30, 2009

ADSL 2009

30/03 - 03/04/2009 Antwerp, Belgium

‘Find something beautiful!’ The one week workshop in Antwerp on ‘Beauty’ turned out to be a fascinating experiment in which the architectural way of working was totally turned inside out. As beauty is considered to be the outcome of a design process that is determined by conceptual thinking, programming of the functions and load bearing considerations, at the ADSL workshop it was the starting point, the only aim to achieve.

‘Make something beautiful!’ Banality, averageness and simplicity seem to be key elements for the creation of beauty. Yet there are no recipes only an approximation formula with still too many unknown elements. The outcome of this experiment is the realization that an open and thorough discussion about beauty is undeniable helpful and essential for the progress of the architectural profession.

Thanks to our students:
Bert Faveere
Edith Macken
Eline Alerts
Goele Schyuten
Karen de Roeck
Lotte Berckmans
Mathias van den Bergh
Nadine Hendertink
Niels Buys
Sam Peeters
Sebastiaan Wouters
Tahnee van Steenbrugge
Thijs Kennis
Thomas Verschuren
Wouter Briers