Flat-pack kindergarten
Over the past three years TD developed a flat-pack pre-fabricated construction system that takes advantage of the unique properties of cross laminated timber (CLT). The system is extremely space and cost efficient, flexible, sustainable and allows for fast construction. The system features a X-typology floor plan that ensures the stiffness of the design and allows for a wide variety of interior layouts.
For the Kindergarten in Fulda, the X typology has been multiplied four times and has been arranged to form a safe and quiet inner courtyard for the children to play. A circulation zone facilitates the movement within the building to assure that the activities of the individual classrooms remain undisturbed. All four classrooms have a unique sense of privacy and are completely autonomous. All common spaces of the Kindergarten are organized at the intersections of the four X’s.
Year: 2016
Location: Fulda, Germany
Client: AWO Fulda
Status: Preliminary Design
Total surface: 715 m²
Project team: Theo Deutinger, Stefanos Filippas, Liam Cooke