Handbook of Tyranny - Exhibition II
The exhibition is designed around the idea of a tyrant’s office. Therefore, the shop-windows of the exhibition space have been closed with plywood boards to guarantee security and enclosure. The designs from the Handbook of Tyranny are pinned casually to the plywood walls. Current developments in oppressive design are presented on the walls in the small work space at the end of the exhibition.
March 20th 2019 >> ARCH+ features 84: Handbook of Tyranny with a lecture by Mischa Leinkauf
For this occasion Mischa Leinkauf presents the work Überwindungsübungen (2015), which was created with his artist group Wermke / Leinkauf, and then discusses the connection between Theo Deutinger, Markus Bogensberger (HDA) and Anh-Linh Ngo (editorial team ARCH +) Architecture and current political trends.
Picture credits: Thomas Raggam - HDA
Year: 2019; 6th March - 26th April
Location: Graz, Austria
Status: exhibition
hosted by: HDA (Haus der Architektur)
exhibition design: Brendan McGetrick and Theo Deutinger
HDA-team: Zerina Džubur, Janosch Webersink, Daniel Oberthaler, Fabian Dankl, Julian Lanca-Gil, Angela Lehner, Klara Schmidt, Karin Oberhuber, Markus Bogensberger
TD team: Filip Arnsberg, Luca Deutinger, Marie-Luise Muyselaar, Arseniy Sverdlov