Homes for Humanity
“Homes for Humanity” are a spin off from TD’s study on the efficient usage of cross-laminated timber (CLT). The design, which will be realized in 2017, aims to provide a solution to the increasing number of refugees in cities across Europe. The Cross Laminated Timber flat-pack construction method provides a sustainable alternative to the traditional container buildings. “Homes for Humanity” can be built in very short period of time providing an immediate solution to refugee housing needs. The design is easily upgradable in the future (e.g. by adding more insulation) to meet the requirements for non-temporary buildings.
“Homes for Humanity” are ideal for busy cities like Vienna as they are easily integrated into the urban space thanks to the flat-pack method, the low base area and the high stability through the X-form. One unit of “Homes for Humanity” consists of 70 CLT elements in only three different lengths. This flat-pack method reduces transport costs and allows easy assembly and disassembly. The X-shape provides stiffness and a construction without any waste.
The design allows flexible interior layouts as well as diverse public spaces. The units can be expanded with functional add-ons.
Year: 2015-2017
Location: Vienna, Austria
Client: Caritas Vienna
Status: Under development
Total surface: 450 m²
Project team: Theo Deutinger, Stefanos Filippas, Liam Cooke