IRRITATION #10 Complexity with Theo Deutinger
IRRITATION #10 Complexity with Theo Deutinger
“Life is getting ever more complex.” Bullshit. Life is as complex as it always has been. The human brain can only deal with a certain amount of complexity. With the constant fight for simplicity, we only increase complexity. We invented computers to simplify our lives, yet computers increased complexity to such an extent that we need algorithms to filter the useful from the useless. And on it goes.
A strong irritation with, and naïve disbelief in complexity made me dedicate my life to reducing it. Join us at Hotel Droog as architect and theorist Theo Deutinger (TD) shares his irritation.
We serve dinner.
A small two-course dinner €15,50 per person is available.
Dinner will be served between 6-7pm.
Drinks are also available if you don't want to eat.
How do I reserve?
Please RSVP
What does it cost?
All events at Hôtel Droog are FREE of charge,
but PLEASE RSVP. We like to know if you are coming.