Timișoara Walls and Fences - Beta
Timișoara Walls and Fences
From the fortress city to the national border
At the Timișoara Architecture Biennial (Beta) 2022 TD shows all new structures (ditches, fences, walls) that separate nation states which have been constructed or reinforced between 2017 and 2022. These designs were shown for the first time to the public.
These drawings were linked to the historical city wall of Timisoara. The city with it's long history of fortifications functioned as a case study for urban fortification and spans space and time to the current border walls.
The exhibition was shown in the basement of the Stefania Palace. The space was transformed into an extracted archive. The U-shaped fenced in area in the middle of the room houses long shelves in front of a grid that highlights the system of ordering. At the well-lit reading table visitors were invited to study and leaf through the 'Handbook of Tyranny'.
Christopher Clarksen, Haoge Gan, Theo Deutinger