Here There Everywhere by Droog
Book release by droog, featuring projects of TD
Here, There, Everywhere, is a visual and textual anthology of realistic and imaginative design projects by Droog Lab in collaboration with Winy Maas, Metahaven, Jurgen Bey, Richard Hutten, TD, Mieke Gerritzen, Erik Kessels, Bas Princen, Diller Scofidio + Renfro and others.
The book features the following projects of TD:
Material Matters
Global middle classes are growing, materials are becoming scarce and waste is increasingly abundant. Meanwhile mainstream industry is based on mass production and mass consumption.
SZHKSMZ envisions a future economy in which companies see the material restraints and growing demands as a challenge for innovation. The industrial area features a range of thriving businesses.
Hidden Economy
An in situ research of TD while working on a project for the region of Tarwewijk in Rotterdam reveals that residents are fed up with the countless attempts from outsiders to "fix" their neighborhood. However it slowly becomes more and more visible that there is actually a flourishing economy initiated by the people themselves.
Tribal Land
In Tribal Land, Theo Deutinger envisions a future scenario in which people begin to congregate around similar interests, fascinations, and ambitions. Tribalism takes hold as the new socio-political system, which imagines that tribes not only develop their own lifestyles, but also their own laws. Ultimately, it leads to a total disintegration of power.
224 pp / 240 x 310 mm
price € 39.00
ISBN 9789090281735
Published in 2014, recently
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