EXPO - Exchange Potential 'Mariahilf'
November 14, 2022The 'EXPO – Exchange Potentials' declares a part of Mariahilf, the 6th district of Vienna, to an EXPO terrain. Existing shops, services and institutions present themselves as the economic and social glue Mariahilf’s. A map with an index together with three guided tours direct the visitors along the various participants.
IKEA Walks – The Capital of World Interior
October 17, 2018Imagine, it is true, and we are about to experience the end of globalization. In the long run this would mean the end of the Soccer World Cup, the Olympics, English as lingua franca, pop-music and the end of Mc Donald’s and IKEA.
From City Pond to Central Park
May 06, 2018In a two days workshop a quick scenario for the future development of Ekaterinburg city center has been developed. A group of 12 people tried to answer the question how the Yelstin Center can be better incorporated in its neighborhood and how it could open itself more to the outside,...
Europe in Africa @ Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
August 21, 2017Our proposal for the new city "Europe in Africa" is presented in the exhibition "Solution or Utopia" at the Stedelijk Exhibition in Amsterdam.
Ruhrmoderne Summer Academy
August 21, 2017For the period of half a year, students from five universities have been part of the Ruhrmoderne Summer Academy. The focus area was Marl, a city in the north of the Ruhrgebiet, an area where in the 1960s and 1970s Germanies most radical urbanistic and architectural ideas have been realized.
Social City Beta
August 02, 2016TD, commissioned by droog, developed "Social City Beta". A first proposal for a future city based on all the dreams and desires of city dwellers worldwide taken from an extensive poll of the socialcities.org platform.
Europe in Africa - Mail Online
June 02, 2016Sara Malm from Mail Online wrote an article about our project "Europe in Africa" featuring images of the projects and an interview with Theo Deutinger.
Europe in Africa - The Washington Post
June 01, 2016Adam Taylor from The Washington Post wrote an article about our project "Europe in Africa" featuring images of the projects and an interview with Theo Deutinger.
Ruhrmoderne - K.West Magazine
April 18, 2016Theo Deutinger shared some insights of our project "Ruhrmoderne" with K.West magazine.